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In stock: 669 ads
6 years at Autoline

Suzuki Bandit motorbike for sale by auction

Suzuki Bandit motorbike
Suzuki Bandit motorbike
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 2
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 3
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 4
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 5
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 6
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 7
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 8
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 9
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 10
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 11
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 12
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 13
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 14
Suzuki Bandit motorbike image 15
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Brand: Suzuki
Model: Bandit
Type: motorbike
Year of manufacture: 2006
Location: Belgium Alken
Seller stock ID: A3-29959
Auction 1
Ending date: 2025-03-04 20:43
Placed on: Feb 26, 2025
Fuel: petrol
Condition: used

More details — Suzuki Bandit motorbike

Vehicle starts, drives and performs all functions.
Mileage during intake: 56441 km
Voertuig start
rijdt en voert alle functies uit
Das Fahrzeug startet, fährt und führt alle Funktionen aus.
Le véhicule démarre, roule et exécute toutes les fonctions.
Il veicolo si avvia, marcia ed esegue tutte le funzioni. La moto ha un certificato di immatricolazione, COC e vignetta 705. Il motore è pronto per la registrazione.
Voertuig start, rijdt en voert alle functies uit.
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
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